PAS Copywriting: Your Gateway To Irresistible Content Creation

PAS Copywriting: Your Gateway To Irresistible Content Creation

PAS Copywriting has been the most successful copywriting formula most successful copywriters use to write their copies.

It’s the secret sauce behind compelling ads and catchy headlines that you see every day.

Interestingly, It’s the go-to formula that I use in my copywriting. Why? Because it’s simple, effective, and works for all kinds of marketing.

Whether you’re writing copies for small business or a big Corporation. the method used remains the same

PAS copywriting is so powerful that Business strategist Dan Kennedy calls it “the most reliable copywriting method ever invented”.

So, what is PAS copywriting all about?

In this post, you’ll learn about PAS copywriting, how it works, and how it helps you craft compelling copies. Interested?

Let’s dive in.

Understanding the PAS Copywriting Formula

Understanding a problem is like solving it halfway.

PAS stands for Problem, Agitate, and Solve.

It’s a three-step process.

First, you start by describing a problem that your target audience can relate to.

Then, you point out what will happen if the problem persists.

Finally, highlight how your product or service solves the problem.

To understand it better, let’s break down each step and understand the PAS Copywriting framework.

Highlight The Problem

Look, problems are not limited to math books, they are everywhere.

As famous advertising tycoon, David Ogilvy said

“The best ideas come from the most careful study of the problem before the writing starts.”

David Oglivy

The first step of PAS Copywriting is to highlight the problem your target audience relates to.

Step into the shoes of your target audience and identify their most pressing problems.

Remember, it’s not about identifying the issue but finding the right issue that resonates with them the most.

Once done, start your copy by pinpointing specific problems of your target audience.

I know it sounds very vague and unclear. But hang in there, let me explain with the help of an example.

Imagine you’re writing a copy to promote a stress-relief supplement.

Instead of asking a generic question such as “Feeling stressed?” try to pinpoint their specific problem.

Why? Because everybody has stress, but not to the extent that they need a supplement.

Your target audience is the people who face productivity-related issues because of acute stress.

So you need to ask specific questions to target a specific audience.  

For example, ask questions such as “Unable to relax after a hectic work day? Is stress stealing your precious family time and peace?” 

Asking specific questions evokes emotional responses, highlighting their pain point.

The better you highlight their pain, the better you show that you understand them.

Make them feel as if you can read the conversations going on in their mind.

That’s the fastest way to make them trust you.

Agitate Till It Hurts

Once you have a problem clearly defined, it’s time to stir things up.

Agitation aims to make your target audience feel the burden of the problems.

It’s like adding fuel to the fire.

Explain the consequences, missed opportunities, and the frustration caused due to unresolved problems.

Give an emotional spin to your copy, and make it more effective.

Why? Because people make buying decisions based on emotions, not logic.

Remember not to overdo it.

Don’t agitate too much, it will backfire, making your audience stop reading your copy. Show that there is a solution.

Continuing with the previous example of the stress-relief supplement, here is an example of how you do it the right way.

“Picture this, your to-do list is piling up, your deadlines are closer than ever, your mental and physical health pays the price.

The consequences of stress are not limited to your work, it also affects every facet of your life”

In this example, we have agitated the target audience about how stress can affect your work, productivity, and other aspects of life, making it crucial that they do something about it.

By stating the consequences of stress, we persuade the audience to solve the problem immediately.

Provide a Solution

Once the stage is set, your audience is desperately looking for a solution.

This is where our hero enters, our product. A solution your audience was looking for.

In this section of the PAS Copywriting, your job is to paint a picture of how your product is the best solution to their problems.

This is the section where you will get to test your selling skills.

You have to convince your target audience about the product by highlighting its benefits.

Don’t just say “This will give you relief from stress” That’s just plain boring and it’s not going to convince anyone.

Something like “Get instant relief from stress, have more time and energy for the things you love” sounds more convincing.

highlight benefits over features.

The lines above work well because they not only show that your product will solve their problem, it also show the benefit of solving that problem.

In this case, relief from stress doesn’t just relax you, it allows you to do things you love.  

Example of PAS Copywriting in Action

Problem: Is your back pain hurting you? Are you unable to sit for long hours because of your severe back pain?

Agitation: Back pain might look like a small problem in the beginning, but it can turn into a severe one before you even know it.

Back pain can disrupt your life, making it difficult to be productive or physically active. It will also affect your posture, and your confidence, impacting work and personal life.

Solution: You can avoid all of this by replacing your regular chair with our SitRight chair.

SitRight chairs are ergonomically designed to correct your posture, making those long Zoom meetings and all-nighters a pleasing experience.   

Psychology of PAS Copywriting

It is often understood (or misunderstood, to be honest) that the reason behind the success of PAS copywriting is that it highlights the pain of the customer and then provides the solution.

The truth is, it’s just the surface-level understanding of PAS copywriting. Just the tip of the PAS copywriting iceberg.

The core reason why the PAS copywriting framework works so well is because it taps into human emotions.

When you resonate with the emotions of a person, they start accepting you as their trusted source as both of you share the same feeling.

But how do you do that?

Well, there are many ways to do so, and we will discuss all of them here.

Tapping Into Emotions

Imagine this, when you think of buying a car, what is the first thing the salesperson asks you to do? Take a test drive, right? Why? Because he wants you to experience driving that car.

The reason behind it is simple. It’s a proven fact, that we don’t make buying decisions based on logic, but on emotions.

Your buying decision is based on how you feel while driving the car, and not on asking the salesperson how much horsepower the car’s engine has.

Expert copywriters tap into the emotions of their target audience, creating a narrative that resonates with the heart and soul of the audience.

Let me give you a real-life example

In 2011, Coca-Cola launched a groundbreaking campaign called “Share a Coke”.

The problem that was highlighted in their ad copy was not just thirst, it was the loneliness of people. A lack of personal connection.

The ad agitated by showing moments of isolation the solution? Share a Coke.

The campaign took the world by storm and massively improved the popularity and consequently, sales of the company.

The ad campaign successfully tapped into the emotions of the target audience, connecting them with others.

Because of this, the brand name Coca-Cola was elevated beyond merely a beverage maker.

“Share A Coke” Campaign (US)

Creating Connection Through Shared Experience

Have you ever come across an ad that feels so much like you, and completely understands your struggles? That’s because the copywriter used the magic of connecting through shared experiences.

That is the power of connecting through shared experiences. It’s one of the key elements to successful PAS copywriting.

Confused? Don’t worry, let me explain in more detail.

Imagine two rooms, one filled with strangers, with nothing in common among them, everyone having different points of view.

Second, where everyone shares similar interests and challenges as you.

Which one would you choose to go into? Of course the second one.

Why? Everyone wants to be surrounded by like-minded people, those who have similar experiences, values, and stories. That’s where we feel comfortable.

Shared experiences in PAS copywriting create an instant connection as it signals familiarity.

When you identify the problems that your audience faces, they feel understood.

One of the best real-life implementations of this can be found in Dove’s “Real Beauty” campaign.

The company identified the problem of unrealistic beauty standards when it comes to the beauty of women.

The customers were further agitated by portraying how it impacts the self-esteem and confidence of women.

Solution? Embrace the “real beauty”

The main message of the campaign was to accept and celebrate the unique differences of women, rather than ignoring them.

What also makes this campaign unique is that campaign puts its customers at the forefront instead of the brand.

Most women fall out of those strict beauty standards that make them feel they’re unattractive.

By weaving similar stories that most of the women can relate to, Dove tapped into the experiences that most of the women shared and used that to improve its brand awareness and reach.

Dove’s “Real Beauty” Campaign (US)

Leveraging the Power of Storytelling

Let’s admit it, we love stories, from stories by grandma to Movies you watch on weekends, stories have been a part of our lives forever.

Storytelling has been the most effective way to captivate and engage the audience.

When using the PAS copywriting framework, storytelling helps in holding the structure of the copy, helping create a lasting impact.

By embedding emotion in the copy, you create a connection with your audience that goes beyond transactional relationships.

Let me give you an amazing, real-life example

Many travelers face a common problem, the traditional accommodations, in an attempt to provide professional services, often lose the warmth and authenticity that travelers long for while exploring destinations.

Airbnb came up with an amazing solution to this.

Airbnb used the storytelling approach, they crafted narratives that depicted the stories of homeowners opening their homes, sharing their local secrets, and creating a sense of belonging for travelers.

The idea was not just to provide a place to stay, but to provide a meaningful and authentic travel experience.

In short, Airbnb went beyond just advertising accommodations, they told real stories and real journeys. The power of storytelling acted as a bridge to connect audience and brand.

Crafting Compelling Headlines Using PAS Copywriting

In the digital age, where short videos are getting more popular than long-form content, our attention span is shrinking.

A recent study published by researchers at the Technical University of Denmark suggests that our collective global attention span is narrowing.

The average attention span of a person in 2013 was 8 seconds, which is less than the attention span of a goldfish.

Attention Span of Humans Compared to Goldfish

In this fast-paced world of digital content, the battle for attention is won or lost in the blink of an eye.

Thus, crafting an attention-grabbing headline becomes an art.

Importance of Headline in PAS Copywriting

Whether you’re using PAS copywriting or any other copywriting framework. The importance of a headline cannot be ignored.

It is the first impression to lure your reader into reading your copy further.

Think of it as if you’re going on a date, and if you don’t look attractive with your dress and personality, your date will lose interest in you before you even begin talking.

A powerful headline is your strongest ally in grabbing people’s attention.

The best example of this is BuzzFeed.

Buzzfeed has mastered the art of clickable headlines. 

For example, consider the following headline.

27 Signs You’re Slightly Obsessed With Dogs”

What makes the headline so powerful is that it addresses a specific audience (which is dog lovers) but promises very unique insights, compelling dog lovers to click.

While a headline is the best way to make your target audience click on it, the real purpose of a headline goes beyond this.

A headline is supposed to provide clarity about the message while creating curiosity. How you maintain this balance is crucial.

A clear headline attracts and the curiosity compels readers to click.

An example of how clarity and curiosity create amazingly catchy headlines can be found in the New York Times.

Consider this headline

How a Small Team of Journalists Broke Big Stories on Weinstein?

The headline provides clarity on messaging that a small group of journalists broke a big story on Weinstein, by adding the word “How?” They created curiosity in the mind of the reader, compelling them to click and know more about the topic. 

How to Apply PAS Copywriting for Creating Headlines?

Now we have come to the most important part of this blog. How to apply PAS copywriting to Headlines?

Although we have discussed it earlier in this blog, let’s revisit it once more for better understanding.

Identify the Problem

Start by identifying the problem your audience is struggling with. Once you have done that, highlight it in your headline.

Determine, what pain points your content address. Let your headline directly speak to this problem.

Let me give you an example.

Struggling to sleep at night? Discover the secret of a restful night with our Sleep-exercise routine”

As you can see, the headline addresses a common problem of insomnia and positions the content as a solution.

Agitate the Audience Using Their Pain Points

This is where we heighten the urgency of solving the problem. This prompts the audience to seek action and a solution to the problem.

An example of such a headline can be as follows

Break free from the 9-to-5 grind with these career-transforming strategies.  

Headlines like these agitate common dissatisfaction that many face because of the traditional work structure, encouraging them to explore the solution.

Provide a Solution

No matter what you’re selling, advice, product, service, or insight, the headline should convey that your content holds the answer to the problem.

Look at this example

Revolutionize your workouts, our fitness app personalizes your exercise routine for maximum impact.

The headline presents a solution for turning a monotonous workout into an entertaining routine while giving the maximum impact of the workout.

Important Tip:

There are endless ways to write a headline. Many copywriters overthink about what headline will perform well and what should be the best approach to write a compelling headline.

The truth is, there is no such thing as a “Perfect Headline”, the only way to find what works best is by continuously experimenting with different headlines and seeing which converts better.

One of the best ways to perform A/B testing and compare the results. We will talk about it later in this blog.

Implementing PAS Copywriting in Body Copy

Once you’ve mastered the art of writing compelling headlines using the PAS Copywriting framework, the next step is to start working on body copy. This is where the real magic happens.

While writing the body copy, Structure your content for maximum impact. 

It involves a strategic flow that keeps your audience engaged from start to finish. 

Structure Copy For Maximum Impact

The first step begins with organizing your thoughts and ideas logically. 

Start with a compelling introduction that seamlessly transitions with the headline.    

Many beginner copywriters often make this mistake, they start with an amazing headline but get lost in the transition from headline to body copy.

Readers often find a disconnect between the two, leading to disinterest, and failing to convert.

How do you write better body copy?

Clearly state the problem to reinforce the connection established by your headline.

Then, maintain a smooth flow from identifying the problem, agitating the pain points, and finally, presenting a solution.

Imagine you’re crafting a copy for a skin care product. 

Start by highlighting common problems such as skin aging, and wrinkles. Then, transition smoothly by agitating pain points like loss of radiance, fine lines, and lack of glow. 

Structuring the copy in this way will beg questions in the mind of the reader, but what’s the solution, that is where you will introduce a solution in the form of your product.   

Does it sound complicated? Let me help you with an example.


Frustrated with your battle against aging? We understand the hopelessness that comes with seeing the effects of aging on your skin.

From wrinkles to fine lines, impacts how you look and feel about yourself. 

Elaborate The Problem

Once you have introduced the problem, the second step is to provide more context in your body copy.

The idea behind doing this is to make the problem relatable and deeply felt. 

Elaborate on the challenges faced by your target audience, this will help them in visualizing the impact of the problem in their life. 

Continuing with the previous example of skincare, provide context and help your audience visualize the impact of aging on their skin.

For example, you can write it like this.

As time goes by, the vibrancy of your skin fades, those plump cheeks slowly start sagging, and fine lines etched to your skin take your glow away. 

RadianceRevive Recognizes the emotional impact these changes can have on your personality, impacting self-confidence and self-esteem.   

Presenting Solution Effectively

This is going to be the most important section of your copy, so pay special attention to it.

While presenting your product as a solution, keep a few important points in mind. 

Begin by introducing your product or service as the ultimate solution to the problem. You can begin by writing something like this:

Introducing RadianceRevive, where science meets beauty. Our solution is not just about skincare, it’s a journey of transformation. 

In the battle against aging skin, RadianceRevive stands as your trusted partner promising results that transcend expectations.

Highlight Key Product Features

One key problem in presenting a solution is numerous other products are competing for your attention, so how would you make sure that your customers prefer your product above others?

Here is the answer.

While presenting your product or service as a solution, you need to make your product stand out among competitors.

In our example of RadianceRevive, while writing, you can elaborate on the key ingredients, technology used, and other unique aspects that make your product stand apart.

Once again taking RadianceRevive as an example, while highlighting key features, you can write something like this.

RadianceRevive is a meticulously crafted blend of antioxidants, collagen-boosting peptides, and age-defying botanical extracts.

Harnessed by the powerful blend of nature and science to create a formula that wipes out wrinkles, and fine lines and revitalizes skin on a cellular level.   

Scientific Backing

No matter how good your copy is, it’s not going to be effective unless it’s backed by logical or scientific facts. 

Having data or scientific research behind your products builds authority, demonstrating the fact that your product has gone through rigorous scientific experiments and has stood the test.

So the best way to build trust is by showcasing scientific research, and clinical research that supports the efficacy of your solution. 

Note: In the case of other products such as a course, software, etc, where there can be no scientific evidence backing it, you can rely on positive feedback from users who have used your product or service.

A/B Testing with PAS Copywriting

A/B testing, also known as split testing or bucket testing is one of the most effective ways of testing your copy in the real market. 

In other words, A/B testing is an experiment where two or more variants of a copy are shown to the target audience, and using statistical analysis a better-performing variant is determined. 

Importance of Testing in PAS Copywriting

Running A/B tests for copy is super important for many reasons. 

Running A/B tests allows you to different variations of a copy helping you figure out if you need to make any changes.

By doing this you can measure the impact of change made and make sure that every change brings positive results for the business. 

The Second and bigger advantage is informed decision-making. 

By testing copies using the A/B testing you take the guesswork out of the content optimization strategies and make informed and data-driven decisions. 

This allows you to understand your customers better and tailor your marketing strategies, products, and services to their needs and desires. 

Implementing A/B Testing with PAS Copywriting

We live in a digital world where every click, every like, and share is recorded as data by companies, to keep track of our behaviors while we are surfing the internet.

All this data is then used by businesses to display targeted ads to get the highest ROI (Return on Investment) for the cost of display ads.  

We use the same process for A/B testing while testing our copies written using the PAS Copywriting framework. Here is how you can do it.

Collecting Data

The first step of A/B testing is collecting data. 

The best source for this data is your analytics tools (such as Google Analytics). 

Look for pages where your readers have stayed the longest or have engaged the most. 

Try to figure out what kind of tone you used on that page. What makes them stay on that page longer? 

All this data will help you find out what your visitors like about your website and what kind of approach you need to make your copies convert better.

Identify goals 

The second step is identifying your goal. 

Determine your goal, and write different versions of a copy with that goal in mind. 
Present these copies in front of the target audience and collect data with conversion goals in mind.  

The primary goal of any copywriter is to maximize conversion, but the purpose behind the goal may vary from getting your target audience to click on a button or purchase a product. 

Using these conversion goals you can determine whether or not the variation is more successful than the original version.  

Analyzing Results and Refining the Approach

While the heart of copywriting is conversion, the heart of A/B testing is numbers. 

A/B testing allows you to compare different versions of your copy and understand which one suits your business the best. 

However, achieving the desired result is not the end point of effective A/B testing. 

A/B testing also acts as a launchpad for refinement. It means that you can identify the winning variations.

Identify the winning variation, understand why it succeeded, and apply those insights for the future. It’s called iterative refinement.

The ultimate goal is not just to find what works, but to use these findings to continually refine your approach for sustainable success.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

To err is human. While PAS copywriting is a powerful tool in the copywriting industry, even seasoned copywriters can make mistakes.

Let’s look at some of the most common mistakes and pitfalls that most copywriters commit while writing copies and how to avoid them.

Overemphasis on Problems

One of the most common mistakes in PAS copywriting is overemphasis on the problem. 

While identifying and highlighting a problem is a crucial step in the PAS formula, focusing excessively on the pain points can backfire.

An overload of negativity can overwhelm and discourage your target audience, instead of drawing the reader in. 

The best way to avoid such mistakes is to use a balanced approach.

While clearly stating the problem, shift your focus more on the potential for positive change. 

Slowly transform your copy from dwelling on difficulties to emphasizing the transformative journey toward the solution.

Agitation without Empathy

Agitation is meant to evoke emotions and heighten the perceived severity of the issue. A common mistake that many copywriters make is agitating without empathy.  

The best way to avoid this mistake is by acknowledging the challenges faced by your target audience. 

Before you begin to write your copy, put yourself in the shoes of your audience and try to figure out your emotional response to such a situation.

Show that you understand their frustration and reassure them that a solution is available, which is tailored to their needs.


Before we wrap up this article, here is a quick recap of what we have learned so far from this article.

  • PAS copywriting is the most commonly used, but the most successful framework used by some of the most successful copywriters.
  • PAS stands for Problem Agitate and Solve.
  • It is a three-step process where the target audience is introduced to a problem they can relate to.
  • In the second step, the audience is agitated by highlighting the significance and urgency to solve that particular problem, and how solving it will make their life/experience better.
  • The last step involves introducing your product or service as a solution.
  • The reason why PAS copywriting works so well is because it connects with the audience by resonating with their problems.  
  • The most important part of PAS Copywriting is the headline. A headline is the first thing that is read by your target audience. Writing an attention-grabbing headline is the first step to successful PAS copywriting.
  • While writing the body copy structure the copy for maximum impact. Highlight the key features of your product/service and make sure they are portrayed as the best possible solution to your target audience’s problems.  
  • It is always better to have multiple variations of a copy to test which one converts better. Use A/B testing formula for analyzing the performance of various copies. 
  • Avoid common pitfalls of PAS, emphasizing too much on problems can discourage your audience to take action. 
  • Agitating without empathy is like firing blank shots. It makes all the noise but does not kill. 

While we are at the end of this blog post, your journey towards becoming an  amazing copywriter has just begun. 

The only way you can become an expert is by practicing repeatedly. 

Remember your first copy will be the worst, but don’t be discouraged, a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.  

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    Профессиональная химчистка кожаных диванов возвращает мебели первоначальный вид и устраняет загрязнения: [url=][/url] .

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    “Можно ли удалять папилломы лазером дома?” – “Удаление папиллом лазером должно проводиться квалифицированным специалистом в медицинских условиях для обеспечения безопасности и эффективности.”
    “Can papillomas be removed with a laser at home?” – “Laser removal of papillomas should be performed by a qualified specialist in a medical setting to ensure safety and effectiveness.”
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  79. akne_toSl

    Какова роль генетики в развитии акне? – Генетика может влиять на вероятность появления акне; если у родителей были акне, их дети с большей вероятностью также столкнутся с этой проблемой.
    What is the role of genetics in acne? – Genetics can influence the likelihood of developing acne; if parents had acne, their children are more likely to experience it as well.
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  80. MichaelSooks

    “Сколько времени требуется для того, чтобы лечение акне подействовало?” – “Большинство методов лечения акне требуют нескольких недель для появления улучшений, а максимальные результаты обычно видны через три месяца.”
    “How long does it take for acne treatments to work?” – “Most acne treatments take several weeks to show improvement, with maximum results typically seen after three months.”
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    Can makeup be used on acne-prone skin? – Yes, non-comedogenic and oil-free makeup products are suitable for acne-prone skin, but it’s important to thoroughly remove makeup before bed.
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