Copywriting for Small Businesses Made Easy: Let’s Master the Art

Copywriting for Small Businesses Made Easy: Let’s Master the Art

Copywriting for small businesses can be tricky.

Small businesses operate on a limited budget and because of this, they all face two major problems.

  • Reaching out to mass customers becomes challenging. Thus, most businesses look for higher ROI from their limited marketing campaign.
  • Hiring a copywriter, on a small marketing budget becomes an expensive affair, and if you are not much of a writer, writing a compelling copy is a daunting task.

But, don’t worry, you don’t have to be a professional copywriter to write a compelling sales page.

In this post, you will find a few secret tips to help you write an amazing copy that attracts your customers like a magnet.

Let’s dive in.

Understand the pain points of your customer:

Every customer buys a product or service to address an issue or to solve a problem.

By understanding your customer’s pain point you can convince him to buy your product/service.

Understand the pain points of your customers and highlight the same in your copy.

This assures customers that you understand and empathise with their problems.

The next step is to convince your customers how your product or service can help them solve their problems.

To illustrate how you can do that, consider the following example.

If you are in the roof waterproofing business, how are you going to stand out among your competitors? Here is a good example.

Look at the following copy:

Notice how the first thing anyone will notice is “Fix any roof leak in 24 hours” 

Most homeowners want to avoid having people sitting on their roofs for days or weeks, trying to fix a leak.

Because this business fixes any roof leak within 24 hours, it instantly attracts customers as it solves their major pain point quickly (that is a long time taken to fix the roof leak)

To sum up, while writing a copy for your small business, figure out your client’s major pain point and how your business can solve it, then clearly explain the same in your copy. 

Create a plan of action:

Before you start writing your copy, create a plan of action first. 

Ask yourself, there are tons of other businesses like yours, how are you going to be different from others?

Figure that out and try to highlight the same in your sales copy. 

In other words, make sure that your unique selling proposition( what makes your business special) is clear right away from the headline of your copy.

Consider the following example:

Tumbleweed is a housing company, specializing in tiny, portable housing. Look at the screenshot above.

The first thing that you will notice at the top of the website is “Tiny House Company” on the left and “Certified Green” on the right.

When you open their website, you will notice their two major USPs (Unique Selling Proposition). 

First, they specialize in tiny, portable housing and second, they are a “Certified Green” housing company.

This is one of the best examples of carefully crafted copy as it engages the housing customers looking for tiny housing or those looking for a greener, more sustainable way of life.

Quality over Quantity:

I know you love your business and want your customers to know everything about it. 

In an attempt to do so, even professional copywriters make a cardinal mistake, they fill the entire page with text, which makes it overwhelming for the customers to read.

Make sure that your web design compliments your copy. A text-laden website can be an eye-sore for site visitors and prompt them to leave the page quickly.

The goal of a website copy is to be meaningful and intentional with limited use of words. 

Every word and every paragraph has a purpose. Try to avoid lengthy, complex and fluffy text as it may deter the visitor. 

The copy should be lengthy enough to convey what your business is about and what you do, nothing more, no unnecessary fluff. 

Create a compelling headline:

Headlines play a crucial role in capturing a customer’s attention as it is the first thing that he reads as soon as he lands on your page.

Craft an attention-grabbing headline that hooks your customers immediately, while also providing value and a solution to their problem.

Consider the following example,  

“Unlock the Secrets to Financial Freedom: Transform Your Wealth in Just 5 Simple Steps”

The moment you land on the page, you are immediately hooked by the headline that claims to “Unlock secrets” to “Financial Freedom”.

What makes it even more engaging is the fact that the unlocking of secrets can be done in just “5 Simple Steps”

Who does not want to be financially free? And if that freedom can be achieved in 5 simple steps, then everyone will be immediately interested.

By writing such compelling headlines you can immediately engage potential customers and then persuade them to buy your product or service.  

Showcase social Proof:

No matter how compelling your web copy is, it is meaningless if you cannot prove that you deliver what you promise. 

As the saying goes, “The proof of the pudding lies in eating”.

The best way to reassure your customers that you deliver your promise is by providing them with evidence of social proof.

Social proofs include customer reviews, testimonials, and case studies that provide feedback about your business. 

Social proofs are concrete evidence that your product or service delivers what it promises.

Try to incorporate customer reviews and testimonials in your copy, by doing so you further cement your customer’s trust in the genuineness and authenticity of your business.

Important: Many websites go far too ahead, trying to include every review or testimonial they can get their hands on, just to prove the point of how good their business is. 

This is a strict no-no because of two major reasons. 

While it’s good to incorporate social proofs in your copy, adding too many of them makes the web copy look cluttered. 

Adding too many testimonials also sounds more boastful and show off which could be repulsive for some potential customers visiting your page.

Choose the best ones (also try to select the ones that are short and sweet) and try to mix the good and the “not so good” ones, so that the testimonials look balanced and genuine.

Tell a Story:

Storytelling is the most powerful tool in copywriting, it keeps users engaged, and it is the best way to convey your message without using complex and boring explainers.

Stories create an emotional connection with your customers, making it more likely that they will engage and trust your brand.

While writing stories, make sure that they demonstrate the benefit of the products or services you have to offer. 

Try to avoid long and complex stories, keep them short and simple, but entertaining. 

Write a Compelling CTA:

Finally, we come to the most important segment of your entire copy, which can make or break the conversion on your page. The CTA.

CTA stands for Call To Action, a prompt that encourages your audience to take some action such as making a purchase, scheduling a call or signing up for a newsletter. 

CTA has the power to convert passive interest into tangible results.

A well-designed CTA provides clear guidance to your audience, increasing the likelihood of them taking action. 

So how would you write a compelling CTA that maximizes conversions for your business? Here are a few useful tips:

Be Specific:

White writing the language of your CTA, be very specific and clear about the action you want your audience to take.

Avoid vague and unclear prompts such as “Click Here”, instead of that, use specific and direct instructions.

For example, if you want your audience to sign up for a newsletter, then use words such as “Sign-Up for our newsletter” or even better “Get Started NOW..!”

Use Action-oriented words:   

The best way to get people to take action is by motivating them or creating a sense of urgency.

While writing your CTA, create a sense of urgency or motivation for your audience, pushing them harder to take action.

For Example, if you are an E-commerce store having a “Shop Now..!” button is a common sight, but if you use words like ”Grab the Deal now…!” it prompts the shoppers to take action faster as the the deal is for a limited period of time.  

Make it Stand Out:

The design and placement of your CTA are the most crucial aspect that decides your rate of conversion.

Data suggests that CTA buttons with contrasting colours get more clicks than dull ones. 

Take the example of Hustler’s University. If you look at their landing page, you will find that the colour of their CTA button is highly contrasting compared to the overall background of the website.

The background of the website is black, while the colour of the CTA button is shiny pink, which immediately highlights the CTA, making it easy to locate on the webpage.

Hustler's University Copy Example

So try to choose a contrasting colour for your CTA button to make it stand out on your website page.

Since more people are surfing the internet via mobile, another important point to remember is to make sure the CTA button is mobile-friendly and that it’s easily clickable on mobile devices as well.   


Copywriting for small businesses is one of the best ways in which small businesses can improve their conversion, it also provides better ROI to the business.   

Copywriting for a small business is a strategic blend of art and science. 

While copywriting for a small business, you need to maintain the balance between creativity and value proposition. 

By knowing your audience well, and planning your copy carefully, you can create attractive, engaging and valuable content that can boost your online presence, attract more leads and convert them into loyal paying customers.

So, finally, we are at the end of this blog post, but there are a few things you must remember.

Copywriting is an ongoing process, you have to keep improving your approach, that is the way you can stay ahead of your competitors and achieve consistent and sustainable growth.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Xavior

    What an enlightening read! This article on copywriting for small businesses is an absolute gem, and I can’t help but commend you for delivering such valuable insights. The depth of knowledge and practical advice shared here is truly commendable.

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